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Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#1 Posted : Monday, November 9, 2015 3:28:33 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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1) Is it just me, or does anyone else hear in their head "Apostles of DOOOOOOM!!!"?

2) I'm really hoping we get the skinny on Rupert and his mom in this book. We know NOTHING about her. Name, rank, serial number, plane of birth, or plane of afterlife.

3) Jenn is going to FREAK when she finds out about Tom(Edwyrd) and Rupert. Heheheheh. Hopefully there will be a balling (that just sounds bad) for sale afterward.

4) Telarius' wife. Sounds like a job for...SUPER TOMMUS!!!

Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#2 Posted : Monday, November 9, 2015 11:50:30 PM(UTC)

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If I know Gastrope' and I do, he is after all, my accursed master. Didn't see that coming, he must have tricked me and bound me. So now I have to try to break free and eat him one of these days. It's in the job descriptions after all.

But anyway, I am sure Gastrope' is going to spend a lot of time trying to keep Jenn from knowing about Tom/Rupert, and the whole D'Orc thing; cause he figures (correctly, I am sure) that she will freak out, possibly permanently if she finds out that Gastrope' is working for the very dark lord that is freaking out the elves so bad, and that she also worked with him.

Of course, there is also the problem that if the alvar find out, the two will be going to alvaran jail, or maybe the stake for consorting with the FOE. The alvar appear quite calm and rational to most humans, but the really are a rather bloodthirsty lot when riled up.

Of course, you can be sure that Tom is doing everything he can to avoid talking to Rupert about his mom, since he could quickly be exposed as not being Rupert's dad, which would crush the boy.

Technically the chick was his lady love, not sure they were married, I think just betrothed. But yes, that is going to be quite amusing. I personally am looking at that as my best opportunity to torment the paladin.

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#3 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:24:46 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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Yes, I'm sure Gastrope and Tom both will do a jig to hide everything. But the truth will come out...and it will be quite funny.

You know, Jenn and Gastrope just need to start swapping pseudopods, or whatever humans do.

I think Talarius is starting to like you, Tizzy. I'm sure teasing him about his lost and damned love will endear him to you even further. Whistle

...oh, and Apostles of DOOOOOM!!!

Edited by user Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:26:17 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Wrong emoticon

Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#4 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2015 5:04:45 PM(UTC)

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Yes, that's what I've been thinking. Although to be fair, I've never had a lot of luck making friends for some reason.

Boggy, Tom, Gastrope', Antefalken and Rupert are about the only friends I have. OK, Maelen said he was a friend, and Jenn said so too outside Freehold, but I am not certain she meant it. And I do get along OK with Darg-nargoloth, but sometimes I get the feeling he's only interested in a business relationship rather than friendship.

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#5 Posted : Friday, November 20, 2015 5:40:42 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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Hmm, re-re-re-reading Into the Abyss, and I've noticed a couple of things.

Trisfelt and Elrose meet at a pub called "The Raunchy Orc", which even though it isn't explicitly stated, sounds like it's close to the Mandetor...Mandetroy...Murgatroy (can't remember) area. I can see several ways Trisfelt could end up there at the same time as the D'Orcs and/or Tom...and Hilda. Oooooh, that would be...interesting.

Also, I don't think we've seen enough of Master Hortwell. While he does seem to hold a lot of the Astlanian prejudices, he also is apparently very fair-minded, as his little stint with Zargoffelstan proves. I wonder what reward he had in mind for Zargy? I kind of liked that little scene. I would have liked to see a little more from both their perspectives. Maybe we can get a little more of them in Apostles of DOOOOOOM!!!

Even though he's only a class one, Zargy stood up to Tom to protect Hortwell. That actually says a lot about him. True, it's unlikely that Tom could have easily destroyed Zargy permanently, but being eviscerated still hurts, even if it doesn't kill you. And Zargy really didn't know what Tom was/wasn't capable of.
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline The Author Guy  
#6 Posted : Friday, November 20, 2015 7:16:09 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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The Raunchy Orc is actually north of Lenamare's former school by about 120 leagues. On the map(s) if you locate Lenamare's school, due east of Freehold, then go north to Lake Tris (hard to read in the forest). It's in a village on the south shore of Lake Tris, which is due south of the small city of Tris. Tris is about the same size of Murgatroy. Probably not as rough and tumble though.

There are good sized bands of satyrs and centaurs in that area. (around 50 or 60 members each). The Raunchy Orc is in a village with about 100 people (of various races). In the mountains to the west, there are Orc brigands who are a bit nefarious. They are, however, more scheming and criminal than 'evil.'

They do do occasional raids (of distant regions) via their dragons. Yes, they ride dragons. Not sure why I have that on the Astrometry and Astrology page but...

BTW, the giant orc with the young human riding behind him is actually an Orcgre, half orc, half ogre (they have several other names, sometimes called/confused with Urak Hai or Great Orcs).

The inside of the Raunchy Orc, in fact the scene you refer to is seen in the business of wizards image.

The reason it cannot be down by Murgatroy is that wizards can't teleport that far. Murgatroy is thousands of leagues away. This is actually a problem for Damien and Vaselle in getting home from the party. Tom brought everyone hew knew that could summon/contact him from the various worlds to Doom, and now there is only one person left who can summon him (aside from Lenamare of course--who is inside Freehold's wards, so can't and won't). That's Gastrope' and he's in Murgatroy. They can get there, but it's going to be a long walk home. (just try finding a flying carpet for sale in Murgatroy--not easy).

Hortwell is the bald guy, generally in white robes that shows up in several pictures around the site btw.

I wanted to do more with Hortwell and Zargy in Volume II, but it was already so overstuffed. Believe it or not, I did work to restrict the PoV's a little bit.

They will show up again, probably in Volume III, but much more later.


Edited by user Friday, November 20, 2015 7:17:34 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#7 Posted : Saturday, November 21, 2015 4:14:01 AM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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Well, here's hoping Hortwell and Zargy make their return. Really looking forward to it.

I see I really need to read those maps a little closer. I was waaaaay off. Still, it's not inconceivable that Tom or Rupert could show up someplace with orcs. Or at least a story of "Lord Tommus"?

Also, reading ITA again, I see where Rupert's mom DID give a description of Tom. Even if there was "a few small differences" in the description, that just adds to the mystery. I REALLY hope there's a more thorough account of that whole situation in AOD.
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline The Author Guy  
#8 Posted : Saturday, November 21, 2015 4:06:20 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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There may be some hints on the Rupert/Tom family ties in AOD (even if there were going to be definite hints, I couldn't tell you there were going to be, hints have to sneak up on you from behind) but the parental mysteries are probably not going to be resolved until the last book or close to it.

There is a fair amount of information hidden out there in the Library and the maps, some of which are hints, a lot of which are background. I continue to add to it, but the problem is, somethings I can't put in the Library until a book comes out or it gives too much away at this point.

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#9 Posted : Saturday, November 21, 2015 9:06:06 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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Ok, so no resolution to the Rupert/Tom/mom thing in Apostles of DOOOOOM. Well, there will be a LOT of other things to speculate on, though. Maybe Hortwell and Zargy.

Oh, oh! You know, Damien has said that he's gotten used to having Edwyrd's advice. Maybe he'll become another warlock? He doesn't seem the type, but he's been closer to Tom than I'd have thought. There's going to be more there, I feel. I wonder if Antefalken will formalize his relationship to Tom? Become his official servant.

I also really want Tom to meet Bess. I'll admit, Bess has really intrigued me, with the back-end stuff we've read in THH. I kinda think the Egyptian pantheon is cool anyway, and I feel a meeting between Bess and Tom will be interesting. Especially if she tries to seduce him like she did Exadude and Tall, Dark, and Jerky. Tom will probably get flustered and run. LOL She could come by my way. I have a thing for catgirls. Drool

It's kind of sad that Tom is persona-non-grata in the Courts now. It'd be interesting to see Tom show up now with his entourage. Like a celebrity. Of course, he still could. Sammael may invite him to spite Lilith. Wouldn't THAT stick in her craw?
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline The Author Guy  
#10 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2015 2:45:00 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Oh wouldn't that be amusing...and probably very destructive!

It does sound like something he might do.

But as Tom's bestest friend in the known multiverse, my own advice is to stay away from Lillith until the Lords of Chaos have finished being ticked off at her.

This is one period in time where being persona non-grata in the Courts is a serious benefit!
Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#11 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2015 3:50:55 AM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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I have serious doubt that Tom would actually agree to such an invitation. Though just imagining the resulting chaos and destruction is making me jiggle.

On a side note, listening to the "Stargate Overture" while reading the scene where Phaestus opens the World Gate is awesome.

...on a side, side note, the next song in that playlist is the Main Titles from "Superman Returns", which coincided with me getting to the final battle.

...which made me imagine Tom in blue tights, a red cape, and red underwear.

Have you ever seen a 10x10 foot Gelatinous Cube jiggle the doors off their hinges?
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline The Author Guy  
#12 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2015 8:39:06 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Yes, I think it would be very pleasantly violent and destructive!

Is that a YouTube "Best SF Theme Songs Playlist" you listen to, T-A-G likes to play them while writing.

I have to admit, I've never see that. Do you have trouble with the remainders of the hinges tearing your surface tension/viscosity when you ooze through the doors after jiggling the door off said hinges?

I imagine that would be painful. Nice thing about the Abyss, most of the doors are larger than a 10x10 openings (lots of big demons with bigger egos here)

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#13 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2015 11:19:11 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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No, I'm old school. I have lots of mp3s on my hard drive that I listen to. I've...eclectic...tastes in music. Dub step, movie scores, power metal, classical, even a jazz tune or two.

As for oozing through doors. Well, after a certain size, oozing doesn't work too well. That's why I just use pseudopods to open the doors like any other civilized monster. Of course, being acidic makes home repairs difficult, but we all do what we can.

I'd like to visit the Abyss, as it sounds like an interesting place. But I'm afraid the low humidity and high temperature would do me in even faster than a human.
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#14 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 2:42:14 AM(UTC)

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Did you even notice that it was me?

I've hacked T-A-G's account and was posting as him!

Is he going to be mad!!!!

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#15 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 2:54:40 AM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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That just means he should get on more often!

Oh, oh. Quick thought. Jenn in Mount Doom! The D'Orcs will love her! One way, or the other, or the other. <jiggle>
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 5:58:37 PM(UTC)

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Her curmudgeonly attitude would be a great fit.

However, not sure she would have much patience for their war like attitudes...and I am sure she would think they looked evil...she's very racist in that regard. She seems to prejudge everyone from the Abyss as being evil for some bizarre reason.

So they would probably like her, not sure about her liking them.
Offline Bradyman  
#17 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 9:06:57 AM(UTC)

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I am just wondering, T-A-G mentioned orcgres can there be d'orcgres? If so, Tom really needs to recruit a couple.

Also, I am really interested in seeing more of St. Hilda. As much as I want to see Tiernon taken down, I don't see how she could survive it. It seems like a lot of his followers are pretty good people, and at least of couple of his avatars. Is there any way for an avatar to switch who they follow, or are they intrinsically attached to their patron? Since Hilda isn't as focused on demon slaying as certain other members of her religion, (that happen to be prisoners in the Abyss at this time), I can see her eventually realizing that Tom is not the bad guy, and if at all possible, siding with the Nyjyr Ennead when they take on Tiernon. I really want to see her on the less evil side( I was going to say good, but that doesn't describe the FOE very well)
Offline Tizzy  
#18 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 4:38:08 PM(UTC)

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Hmm, D'orcgres would be really sweet. I'll have to look into that...not that I can do anything about it...

You see, that's the complication. Most demons are really nice people (other than Lillith) and while most deities are evil, not all of them are.

I suspect it's not going to be a very straightforward battle of FOG vs FOE....

Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#19 Posted : Saturday, November 28, 2015 3:32:54 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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Hmm. While it might be interesting to see Hilda "switch sides", so to speak, I really doubt that will happen. She sounds as if she truly believes in Tiernon, so betraying his trust in her would be abhorrent to her.

Still, that doesn't mean she wouldn't be on Tom's side for something. I mean, the Nyjyr Ennead came to play, and don't seem to be actively hostile. Doesn't seem to be any prohibition against fraternizing with other teams.
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#20 Posted : Saturday, November 28, 2015 4:43:10 PM(UTC)

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In extra dimensional politics, there are lots of side shifting games going on.

The main rule, at least in the Abyss is: "just don't eat your current allies" you can betray them, backstab them, etc. Just do NOT eat them.

I've found that if you eat your ally, or, for that matter, your opponent, it tends to just end the argument right there.

Of course, that is Lillith's preferred way of ending most arguments she gets in...but I find that over time it gets less effective as others tend to start avoiding you. And they definitely avoid your dinner parties.

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