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Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#1 Posted : Monday, November 28, 2016 9:57:34 PM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Are we still looking at a Jan 1 Release? or has it gone down to Feb? beta is still going at the moment, right?
Offline The Author Guy  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, November 29, 2016 3:23:23 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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I am looking for Jan 1. However, if you find problems, want changes speak up.

I had to push it to the editor due to her schedule and her not being available in December, possibly not in January.

However, if there are major quality issues or problems I will still fix them, just have to very good about the editing of the changed material.

I keep asking people to speak up on big things that need to be changed, but no one is saying anything so I sort of assume that major changes people want are about done.

But if not, speak up soon!

Offline The Author Guy  
#3 Posted : Tuesday, November 29, 2016 3:33:03 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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I should add there are already changes that won't be going to the editor.

The dialog with Sir Samwell about the nature of EM.

Gotta fix the stuff with the Etterdam D'Orcs in the D'Orcination. Etterdam is off-world, but not off-plane. So they are going to go to Ragala who will then take them off world to one of her fellow shamans on a plane not part of the localverse.

Then I need to add stuff for Vaselle, not a huge amount, but I need to setup his scenes for Book IV.

He's getting a much bigger role. As you can imagine, once he gets clued in on Tom being the Five-Sibling's Step-Brother, and both a god and a Demon Prince...well pretty sure you can imagine the emotional "high" he will be on. So anyway, when he talks about going back to Freehold (in the Smithy) I'm going to have him mention that he found designs for the Warlock Robes in the Library and he's going to a friend of his who makes magical clothing and commission himself official Warlock of Doom Robes.

Offline The Author Guy  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:23:50 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Oh, yes, I am also going to add some paragraphs where Vaselle is in the discussion about Unlife, when it is brought up to Tom (assuming he is around, pretty sure he is)

This was a TG epiphany, I designed the entire Animus/Mana/Magic system so very long ago that I forgot some key tie ins.

Unlife have always been negatively polarized Animus.

The first clue to this was in setting up pentacles, you may recall that each of the first 4 of 5 elements has an opposite Fire-Water, Earth-Air, and as Lenamare/Jenn/etal explain. Spirit/Man is, naturally, in opposition to itself. This is a core principle of Wizardry, but as Vaselle will note, it's one most people take as ironic when the learn it; sort of just accept brush it off. But it is not that. Spirit is in opposition to itself because it IS polarized.

Now, I note, we have Fire and Absence of Fire which is sort of an opposite, but really it's the complete absence of fire/heat/energy. e.g. Cold and cold-fire; there is also anti-air, which is Vaccum, which is in the calendar. These are absences, not true opposites.

Of course, what is the absence of earth? Absences of Water?

Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:47:58 AM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Roger That, Thanks for the SITREP Sarge, much appreciated! Can't wait, and I just reread 1 and 2 twice in two weeks, so I'm getting myself hyped.

I'll have to do something to distract myself, like Make a review for both books >.<

Been holding off on that because of Raisins, but since apparently nobody on the forums here is gonna bother or none of them apparently live here, and there's still like only ONE Canadian Review on Amazon i guess i have to do my civic duty! (plus it's not a very good one)

Also, i think I've just gotten more of an insight to Tizzy's self ramblings than ever before :P

Reason i didn't respond till now is i just got home from work >.>


Dirk Flamberge
Offline The Author Guy  
#6 Posted : Wednesday, November 30, 2016 5:25:51 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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I see now, you are NOT in beta...OK, that makes much more sense. Was not watching who was where so I was like freaking that you had a bajillion comments/complaints in beta that you had not surfaced!

I took down the frontpage on beta's, so basically no new beta people unless they hunt really hard for the links.

You haven't got your mad hatter thing working at gravatar, btw.
Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, November 30, 2016 7:41:13 AM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Yeah, i keep putting it off by accident, should really fix that *sighs*
Offline The Author Guy  
#8 Posted : Wednesday, November 30, 2016 6:01:16 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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I have about 100,000 such things....
Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#9 Posted : Wednesday, November 30, 2016 9:56:55 PM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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I'm not at that level personally, do you end up having to make lists at that point?
Offline The Author Guy  
#10 Posted : Wednesday, November 30, 2016 10:36:34 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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I suspect that having a list would mean that I wouldn't have so many as I could review said list, do things and check them off when I am feeling otherwise needing a distraction (i.e. when I am purposefully avoiding doing something that I have to do)

Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#11 Posted : Thursday, December 1, 2016 7:47:51 AM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Ah, Fair enough, yeah at a certain point i'd imagine making a list would be just as long and tedious as just doing some of the things you have to do on said hypothetical list.
Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#12 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:54:11 AM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Quick question because i tried adding my avatar Via a dropbox link, which did nothing(but may have been because i need an avatar wipe again), but is it only possible to have a working avatar by using Gravatar, like you said to use?
Offline Tizzy  
#13 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2016 4:32:37 PM(UTC)

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At this moment that seems to be the case.

It is apparently something with the webserver/Forum code and the firewall. Which is weird because I have never seen this happen before. But then this is the only place I use this forum software.

The one danger of gravatar is that you never know where they use them. I have found that some of my more humorous gravatars have ended up in more serious forums than I'd probably have preferred.

Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#14 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:02:28 PM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Unfortunate, i guess I'll just have to deal with it for now, and hope that the weirdness sorts itself out at some point. I'm already overextended for website accounts as is.
Offline Tizzy  
#15 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:35:40 PM(UTC)

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Gravatar is really simple. There isn't much there other than your list of email addressess and the image you want to use with it.

I thought it was rather odd/mysterious too some big "in thing" that would absorbe time. It's not. Very simple and easy to use. It's like a utility.

One account tied to one email and a password. You just then go in and add emails and upload images, or select from their library.

No cost, no ads (when you aren't there--don't remember seeing them) It's just set it and forget it.

Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#16 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:45:02 PM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Nice, although I'm not sure I want an image associated with everything connected with this email address.
Offline Tizzy  
#17 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:51:42 PM(UTC)

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Yes, that can be a problem.

You can change your email address on this account if you want. It does not key on email address.
Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#18 Posted : Wednesday, December 14, 2016 6:01:36 AM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Do you think there would be a way for "Users" to send our avatars to TAG or you in some way or form and them be applied to the user in question once inside the firewall? or is that a whole bunch of extra effort/shenanigans and not worth it?
Offline Tizzy  
#19 Posted : Wednesday, December 14, 2016 3:50:34 PM(UTC)

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The problem is, it doesn't work for me either. I had to do gravatar to make it work.

I spent four or five hours trying to figure out a work around before giving up.

I can see about spending some more time on it, but I'm not convinced that I'm even going to stick with the same software. I'm considering a couple of different other platforms to move the entire site to.

Offline Dirk Flamberge  
#20 Posted : Wednesday, December 14, 2016 7:50:13 PM(UTC)
Dirk Flamberge

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Ah okay got it, anyways here's the link https://dl.dropboxuserco...mal%20pictures/gg675.jpg not sure if it's valid but it's there. If the platform is going to be changed this whole process is probably moot.
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